Read this story excerpt and choose the title that best fits the focus of the narrative.
Alice was the oldest of six children, and while she was growing up, her family
didn’t have much money. During Hannukah, her father told her they couldn’t
afford to get a menorah, the traditional Jewish candle holder. Knowing her
younger siblings would be sad, Alice asked what she could do to . Her
father said that she could give him her favorite red hat to sell so he could buy
the menorah. Alice quickly got her hat and handed it over. When her father
returned with the menorah, Alice and her siblings had a wonderful Hannukah
celebration. On the first day of Hannukah, the children piled into the living
room to open their gifts. When Alice opened hers, she gasped. It was her
favorite red hat. She put it on and smiled.
A. Celebrating Hannukah
B. The Rewards of Giving
C. The Importance of Presents
D. The Oldest Sibling
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