What witch cast a sleeping spell on Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”?

Trivia: What witch cast a sleeping spell on Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”?


Correct Answer: Maleficent

So why is this answer correct? : Maleficent wasn’t just a witch — she was also a fairy, meant to be the evil counterpart to the trio of good fairies that kept baby Aurora safe. Her tale didn’t originate with the 1959 animated Disney film, though. In fact, the story of “Sleeping Beauty” dates way back to a French romance tale from the 1300s. However, Disney’s movie is responsible for the current horned depiction of Maleficent made even more famous by two live-action films (in 2014 and 2019) starring Angelina Jolie. The 1959 original also gave Maleficent the ability to turn into a dragon and breathe fire.

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