What does the word “coleslaw” mean?

Trivia: What does the word “coleslaw” mean?

Cabbage salad
Cold side
Thrown together
Solid soup

The correct answer is Cabbage salad

So why is this answer correct? : “Coleslaw” is a close translation of the Dutch phrase “koolsla,” with “kool” meaning “cabbage” and “sla” being the Dutch abbreviation for “salade.” When Dutch settlers arrived in New York in the 1600s, they brought their heritage cabbage salad recipes with them, and kept the culinary tradition alive by growing cabbages along the Hudson River. Original Dutch coleslaw recipes called for raw cabbage doused in melted butter and vinegar. Adding mayonnaise was an American adaptation started by New York deli owner Richard Hellmann in the early 20th century.

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